Tuesday 11 February – Next Meeting
Our next Sanctuary meeting will be on Tuesday, February 11, at 6.00pm, in the Marjorie Black Room at SACOSS, corner Young and King William Streets, Unley, South Australia
Surviving Christmas and the Silly Season
With the end of the year nearly upon us, we look forward to celebrating with family and friends. But for many, this is a difficult time. Helen van Roekel has some helpful tips for planning for BPD Carers who are christmas.
Living Life Well – BPD Awareness Week 2024
This week is BPD Awareness Week and the theme is Living Life Well - Recovery and BPD. Professor Brin Grenyer has a helpful and encouraging message for us.
Mental Health Plans for South Australia
In September we were very lucky to have South Australia's Chief Psychiatrist, Dr John Brayley, as our speaker. He outlined a new standard of treatment for consumers diagnosed with BPD in SA (still under development)
Building Resilience – Self Validation and Boundaries
Self-validation helps to lessen our own distress, and better cope with the ups and downs in our life of supporting someone with BPD. Setting limits can help us build resilience and avoid carer burn out.
Suicidal Ideation and Self Harm
I wish it was not so, but most people with BPD face a mental health crisis. We asked a psychologist to explain suicidal ideation and self harm. What can carers do in a mental health crisis?
Alcohol and Other Drugs
Living with Borderline Personality Disorder is painful and difficult – many turn to alcohol and other drugs in an attempt to cope. When addiction is added to the burden of illness, the cycle is very difficult to break
The Power of Validation
You often hear us say that the best way to help someone with BPD is to validate their feelings. We always say, look at the feelings behind what they are saying/doing. Listen carefully and validate the emotion you think they might be feeling at that moment. Validation does really work to calm a situa
Repairing Relationships
Living with the symptoms of BPD is difficult and often this manifests in ruptured relationships. How might we reconnect, repair the relationship and start down the path to recovery?
We watched "Understanding the intersection between BPD & PTSD" from Dr Skye Fitzpatrick